I imagine most people ponder the big questions of the universe, especially ‘What is the meaning of life?’ Each of us will have our own thoughts on this according to our individual life journeys. My own hazy thinking has changed as I’ve aged but one idea will not change: purpose and meaning come from appreciating what I’ve been given and doing my best to respect the giver. On that basis Earth, and especially my home country, will always have my highest regard. As just one person on Earth I accept my limitations and ability to care for, or ‘save’, our Planet and its biodiversity. I no longer hope Earth’s astonishing ecosystem will not change due to the short-sighted priorities of its dominant species. I don’t know what the future holds for life on Earth but I believe our Planet will adjust to its changing circumstances, right up to its final embrace with our Galaxy’s sun. Today I Will Remember For self-respect I need to be a responsible person who considers the consequences of how I choose to live my life. I choose to read United Nations reports on biodiversity loss and I look carefully at my local environment and wildlife to seek to understand it and take informed actions to try to protect it and sometimes even enhance it. To be able to do this I need to have a plan to look after myself, especially when I’m disillusioned and struggling with fear and anger. Today I will focus on what I can do (however small) to make the most of this short time I’ve been given on Earth to enjoy and support my local environment. God grant me the serenity To accept the things I cannot change Courage to change the things I can And the wisdom to know the difference The Serenity Prayer Are you inspired to write?If you are inspired to write a page based on keeping well and active in an age of climate and nature emergencies, we would be pleased to hear from you. We're looking for a maximum of 380 words for each reading and it must be an original piece written by the person submitting it. All entries that are published will be anonymous.
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