To those who have the power to change things:
I love this earth. All of it. Boulders, rocks, hills, mountains, lochs, lakes, rivers, oceans, ponds, puddles. Bushes, shrubs, flowers, weeds, plants which provide food for all of the beings on earth. Birds, insects, mammals, amphibians, reptiles, fish, fungi, protists, prokaryotes - the whole myriad of life forms from fungi and amoeba to elephants and whales. And yes, we humans and our pets too. I love this earth. I don’t love what we humans are doing with the place. We are so busy with the day job, with a focus tomorrow and maybe the year after that. We somehow manage to keep a small, sometimes glowing, ember of hope to dream all will be well; to think beyond?, outside? the truth: species extinction moving inexorably and ever more rapidly; forests burning and droughts increasing at an exponential scale; oceans rising and rapidly warming; glaciers melting. Believing, beyond pure intellect that connecting with like-minded people, all doing their best, will change the outcome. We need to stop, step back, evaluate, and look with eyes and minds wide open at where our current trajectory will very soon take the whole of planet earth. If we must remain narrowly focused, focus on the fate for our human descendants. What does the next bend on this path we are on look like? Really, truly, factually with brutal honesty. Take just a moment, or maybe two. Strip out thoughts of personal power and profit. See the truth. You will know what to do with your power. I don’t have a big enough stage. So I say it here. My power murmurs, becomes louder as I write. I was not a writer, but I have started. Are you inspired to write? If you are inspired to write a page based on keeping well and active in an age of climate and nature emergencies, we would be pleased to hear from you. We're looking for a maximum of 380 words for each reading and it must be an original piece written by the person submitting it. All entries that are published will be anonymous. For more information, or if you have any questions, email [email protected] Comments are closed.