Our definition of coaching includes the principle that Each person is naturally creative, resourceful, and whole
And that... The agenda comes from the person being coached
We can provide a 1 day training course to get your team started supporting each other with peer to peer coaching. Sometimes it is useful to have an outside coach or mentor, but with a few basic skills and principles, peer to peer coaching is very effective and beneficial to those involved.
During the training we cover: setting up a safe space, active listening skills, coaching principles, asking open questions, practice and feedback, and some coaching tools like the Wheel of Life.
The set up - 1 full days - 6-12 people in each course - This training is now available online
The cost for 6-12 people is £600 for community groups and charities. For commercial organisations, please get in touch. We use a percentage of the income from our commercial work to support our work with communities.
If you have any questions, or would like to have a general chat about this training, please contact Pam - [email protected]